Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

They’re back.  The children are back and it’s great.  Thank you to all who were involved in Rally Day.  We started in our classrooms but it was quickly followed by a trip to the sanctuary.  There, the whole group began learning a new song.  Hopefully, we will debut it in December.  It was fun to be part of the energy. Then off for ice cream and games outside. A very fun morning.

I was part of the Confirmation group with Jan Hauger.  We have a total between 5-6 confirmands this year.  Still waiting for one to make up their mind.  They will be doing Sermon Notes again this year.  One of their requirements when they are doing Sermon Notes is to introduce themselves to someone they do not know and ask them about their experience in confirmation.  I hope you will be willing to share.

With Rally Day and Sunday School starting, it seems like it is the start of a new year.  Choir will be starting next week.  It is a time for new beginnings.  I hope you want to be a part of what is happening at St. John’s.  I hope you will consider joining a ministry, a Bible Study and then join us at worship service.   You make the church.  You are the church, Come be part of it.

I have jury duty starting Monday.  Not sure how long it will last.  I know I will not be in the office on Monday.  After that, we will see.

If you see below, I changed the format for those who are reading the Bible with me.  Our goal is to read the whole book in one year.  I asked my wife and she said this may look a little more manageable. Let me know if you like it. 

The garden is still going crazy.  Saturday’s church crowd usually does a great job of cleaning us out after service.  No problem there.  That is what it is meant for.  Don’t ever forget that you can pick things yourself.  There are two sets of gardens.  One right behind the Sunday School wing and the other is in the back of the parsonage.  You are free to pick at either one of them.  Squash, tomatoes and peppers are definitely in season.  I think there are three different kinds of tomatoes ready to go.  They’re ready for you.

The other thing we have in the garden are very large sunflowers.  You can’t pick them.  You have to cut them.  They are also for you to have.

My wife told me this one:  Do you know how we can increase attendance at church?  Make communion wafers pumpkin spice.

You are dearly loved,

Pastor Tom


[email protected]

Readings for 17th Week after Pentecost – September 14th  & 15th

Isaiah 50:4-9a              Psalm 116:1-9             James 3:1-12               Mark 8:27-38

Reading the Bible in a Year- Monday, September 9th  to Sunday, September 145h

Day                 Genesis                        Psalms                         Proverbs                      Matthew

Monday           Ch. 14-16                    Ch. 6                                                               Ch. 5:43 – 6:24

Tuesday           Ch. 17-18                                                        1:8-19                          Ch. 6:25 – 7:23

Wednesday     Ch. 19-20                    Ch. 7:1-9                                                         Ch. 7:24 – 8:22

Thursday         Ch. 21-23                    Ch. 7:10-17                                                     Ch. 8:23-9:13

Friday              Ch. 24                         Ch. 8                                                               Ch. 9 all

Saturday          Ch. 25-26                                                        1:20-33                        Ch. 10:1-31

Sunday            Ch. 27-28                    Ch. 9                                                               Ch. 10:32-11:15

Genesis – A lot of stuff happening to Abram(Abraham).  Yes, both he and his wife Saria(Sarah) get their name changed by God.  God also makes two covenants with Abram.  Make sure you make a note of what the first one was and what the second one was.  God sealed the first covenant but Abram was called to seal the second by circumcising all males.  Ouch.  You see in Luke where Jesus was circumcised at 8 days old.  Get the Sodom and Gomorrah story.  Love how Abram whittles down the number to 10, but still the Lord couldn’t find that number.  Lot’s story is not a nice one.  Also, King Melchizedek enters.  You will see his name in the letter to the Hebrews. Pay attention to these stories.  Some of these will be referenced throughout the Bible. You will also see that Abram doesn’t fully trust God’s protection so he lies.

Psalms –  You will see the word “Shelah” often.  Scholars really can’t agree what it may mean but most think it means “pause” or “rest.”  Maybe we should do this in our reading when we see this word.  Stop and reflect.  Have you ever felt that way that is described at the beginning of Psalm 6?  I love the gumption of verse  5.  If you are journaling at all, maybe as we read the psalms, it might be a good idea to write how God is described by the psalmist.  In chapter 7 God is described as a “refuge,” “a shield,” and a “righteous judge.”  Maybe begin to create a list.  The part I like about the psalms is the pure honesty of their request.  “Rise up,” awake,” listen to me.”  Do our prayers sound like that? At one time I had psalm 8:3-6 memorized.  What do you think about this passage?

Matthew – You notice that Jesus does a lot of healing.  People come to him with all different levels of faith.  Regardless, Jesus grants their request.

Proverb – Parents, don’t you like how verse 8 starts.  As a teenager, I felt my parents were dumb as rocks.  But as I had children, it was amazing how smart my parents became.  Children are called to listen to their parents at all ages. We are called to stay on the path of righteousness.  Do you see the results of when we don’t?