Congregation Letter

July 2024

This month has been set as a month for no meetings if possible. It is fitting that the Gospel for yesterday was about taking a break from the important things to become refreshed. But like the Gospel, there is plenty going on, for us without the meetings. But with modern technology, we can meet via video or vote via email and share opinions on issues that arise.

The Children Committee held Vacation Bible School this past week. Thank you to everyone who helped make it a success!

The Building and Grounds Committee has scheduled work to repair the roof and electrical around the steeple to begin July 29. We have engaged Tomkat Roofing from Streator. They will take out the old leaky roofing and assess possible damage to the wood underneath. Any repair of the wood is an extra cost. We should know more soon. The bulk of the repair work scheduled is being paid through a grant from the Anne Baker Charities, Inc. We are very appreciative of this wonderful work of Anne’s even after her life here on earth.

The quilt sewing ministry held here at St. John’s also was the beneficiary of Anne’s grant. Ten durable sewing machines had maintenance performed on them, the first time in about ten years. We are happy this work is done here on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and encourage anyone curious about this ministry to stop in either morning and check out the fellowship and fun.

This brings to mind the value of Christians working together, a thought being shared more often here and at other churches. Face to face meeting with fellow Christians, many we’ve worked together with in the past, is a great way to serve God while having a good time. We can prop each other up, share ups and downs, and be there for one another. Part of the ministry of St. John’s is to do exactly that. VBS was one example for our children. In a few weeks we are getting together at Centennial Park to hear two concerts on Saturday night, August 3. Just come and hang out, no expectations, just enjoy being together with friends. If you haven’t gotten together for awhile, great, start fresh. Know of someone who might have fun, invite them to join you. Be their host!

 And if you’re a baseball fan, come be part of the group going to Davenport’s Modern Woodmen Park on Tuesday, August 6 at 6:30. It can be great family fun before school begins. Need a ride? Call or text me, Dave Kromphardt, at 815-488-2787 and we’ll see if we can find a ride for you. Signup ends August 1 so we can reserve our tickets. Signup is on the table in the narthex or contact me.

Dave Kromphardt

Council President