Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

I just want to remind you that I also am preaching to myself.  This is how God usually talks to me.  First, it seems that the Spirit begins stirring in my soul.  Sometimes (most of the time) I usually need  a little extra nudge, like a 2 by 4 to the head.  Well, this is what happened to me last week.  I am not happy with the relationships I have with my two brothers.  I mentioned this in my sermon the previous weekend.  I started thinking, how can I expect you to listen to me, if I don’t listen to myself.  The Spirit started stirring.  Then two people in the congregation, in a very prayerful and gentle way, brought the 2 by 4.  God speaking!   So, last Tuesday I called both of my brothers.  Long story short, we decided to be more intentional in keeping in touch. Praise God and thank you to my 2 by 4’s

I am sad to report the passing of Russ McKee who was the husband of Kim McKee and father of Blake and Maddie. The service was held yesterday.

Don’t forget that we are hosting our annual Trick & Treat event at the church on October 26th from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. We still can use some people to host tables for the event.  We can also use candy if you want to donate.

On a totally different note, after 5 years at St. Johns, I want to remind you of my role at St. Johns.  First of all, I was called here instead of hired here.  There is a difference.  All of our staff were hired.  They were interviewed by a few people and then were hired. 

I had to go in front of the congregation and those who were present at our annual meeting voted if you want me as your pastor or not.  The vote was to extend the call to me and for me to accept your call to be your pastor.  The vote to extend the call had to be by 2/3 vote.  I was ordained as Word and Sacrament and that is what I was called to be in charge of at St. Johns. 

Everyone who has been hired at St. Johns has a list of duties that are found on their individual job descriptions.  My duties are found in the church’s Constitution. 

Let’s break down individually the words, Word and Sacrament.  Probably sacrament is the easiest to describe.  I am in charge of performing the sacraments of the church.  The two sacraments of the Lutheran church are communion and baptism.  I have some great people who take my place and preach for me.  However, on those days if I am not present, communion cannot be served. My other duties that fall under this heading is doing  weddings and funerals.

We have three SAMS(Synodical Authorized Ministers) that have come from our church since I have been here.  The main similarity is they can do everything I can do as a pastor.  The major difference is they can only do it at their church or with their church members. This is the reason why Dave can’t perform communion at St. Johns. 

Because I am ordained, I can perform these duties everywhere.

The other part is Word.  One of the parts of this is what goes on in the worship service.  Since I am ordained, I have to agree to the liturgy of the ELCA Lutheran church.  Still, I have a lot of leeway. The members of the Worship & Music committee and I sit down every month and plan out future worship services.  The vast majority of time I listen and agree with what they(we) plan.  However, because I am ordained in Word,  I do have the final say.  We also strive to keep “normal” services around an hour. 

Sermons are the major part of Word.  I am responsible to preach the truth of Jesus Christ.  I take this part very seriously. My goal is to preach what the Holy Spirit directs we to speak on. One thing you noticed is I never place a time limit on the Holy Spirit.  I love our liturgy; I love the choir; I do wish we would sing a little louder.  But one thing I guard is communion and my sermon.  They take however long they take.

Please note that we do listen to you.  The committee members often come with thoughts and ideas that come from the congregation. However, make sure you know what we deal with on a monthly basis.  Some wonder why we don’t sing every verse while others are very happy we don’t sing every verse. Others want service no longer than an hour (do you really know how that sounds), while others say whatever it takes.  Here is the point and I say this with as much love I have:  Worship should never be about you.  It should never be about your personal likes and dislikes.  Church is about community.  We worship in community, not in isolation.  Make sure you know that the decisions that I and the Music & Worship committee make is always about the good of the  community.

You are dearly loved !

Pastor Tom


[email protected]


Readings for 22nd  Week after Pentecost –  October 19th & 20th   

Isaiah 53:4:12              Psalm 91:9-16             Hebrews 5:1-10           Mark 10:35-45                                               

Reading the Bible in a Year- Tuesday, October 15th   to Sunday, October 20th  

Day                 Exodus                        Psalms                         Proverbs                      Matthew

Tuesday           Ch 11 & 12                 21:1-7                                                              Ch 27:11-44

Wednesday     Ch 13 & 14                                                     4:20-27                        Ch 27:45-66

Thursday         Ch 15 & 16                 21:8-13                                                            Ch 28:1-20


Friday              Ch 17 & 18                 22:1-11                                                            Ch 1:1-28                   

Saturday          Ch 19 & 20                 22:12-21                                                          Ch 1:29-2:17

Sunday            Ch 21 & 22                                                     5:1-14                          Ch 2:18-3:30

Exodus – We get the whole gambit here.  We get the plagues; the instructions on how to prepare the very first Passover meal; and the exodus of the Israelites out of Egypt.  I think it was twice that the Israelites complained about their conditions in the wilderness.  It seems like they forgot they were slaves.  It reminded me that maybe the “good old days” may not have been as good as we thought they were.

Matthew – The main part was the passion & resurrection stories of Jesus.  A story that I am sure we are familiar with but that means you need to read it slower and carefully.  Maybe we missed something.

Mark – It is interesting how Mark’s Gospel starts.  No birth story.  Right into John the Baptist  and Jesus starting his ministry.  It is a quick and a fast pace gospel.  Not a lot of time for fluff.  I think his favorite word is “immediately.”  You will see it many times as you read his gospel.

Psalm & Proverbs – You’re on your own.  Trying to keep it one page.