Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,


Thank you all for those who came to recognize our Sunday School Teachers and the celebration of Missy’s years of service.  Our church owes so much to our Sunday School staff.  When you see Bill Hammer, Thelma Martin, Betsy Ferguson, Don Anderson and Jan Hauger, make sure you thank them for teaching the children of our church.  Also thank Missy Pinter for her years of service as Sunday School coordinator.  As most of you know, she is stepping down as Sunday School Coordinator.  Make sure you welcome Donna Ristau as she will be taking over Missy’s duties next year.  Please keep her in your prayers as she prepares for the upcoming year. 


Next week, Sunday, June 2, the service will be starting at 9:00 a.m.  It is the start of our Summer schedule.  The last Sunday of the month, we will be having our worship service outdoors.  Our first one will be on June 30th.  We will need some help setting up and taking down the equipment for this service.  If you can help setting up, please plan to come at 8:30 a.m.


This week will be a busy week at the parsonage.  New flooring on the main level will be installed Monday and Tuesday.  An electrician will be putting a ceiling fan in a bedroom as well as the family room.  If we can, we might move the ceiling fan that is in the kitchen to a better place in the kitchen.  It is in a really weird place now.  Please, before you make comments on the cost, more than half of the renovation is being provided by  donations. 


Last week, my plan was to participate in the Festival of Homiletics. It is an event that happens each year which brings some of the best biblical preachers and teachers together.  They do either sermons or lectures throughout the week.  It is a way that preachers can fill their souls.  Well, that was the plan.  It didn’t work out that way.  It was a crazy week of meetings and other things.  Luckily, these events were recorded so I can watch them when I can. 


Thank you to all who wore red last week during Pentecost Weekend.  Next week is Holy Trinity Weekend and then starts a long season of growth.   Altar Guild has been busy changing paraments the last three weeks, but they will be able to settle in with green after next weekend.  The altar guild women do such great work.  They have been super busy the last couple of months with Holy Week and afterwards.  Another group that deserves our thanks.


Don’t forget our Pot Luck on Saturday, June 1st.  It will start after the worship service.  Please bring a dish to pass.  If you forgot, no worries. As always, there will be enough food.  Please come join us for dinner.    


We are going to welcome all new members to our church on Sunday, June 9th.  Please plan on attending if you can. Our church would like to recognize you.


I was disappointed in the turnout of our meeting for Sunday School parents two Sundays ago.  We had two people and one other sent me suggestions by email.  With the transition between Missy to Donna, it is a perfect time to look at this program.  Nothing is off the table. However, it is hard to have your input if you don’t share it.  Please feel free to email me what we do well and what we need to improve.


God loves you so much that God sent the Holy Spirit to help us in our Christian journey.  If that doesn’t tell you that God loves you, I am not sure what will.


Pastor Tom


[email protected]



Readings for the May 25th & 26th  Holy Trinity Weekend

Isaiah 6:1-8                 Psalm 29                     Romans 8:12-17                      John 3:1-17


Worship News


The Music and Worship committee met last Tuesday to talk about the liturgy for the summer months.  There have been some comments about staying with certain things and settings for a longer period of time.  We are going to honor that request for the summer.  However, you will see some things different in our liturgy.  We actually dipped into the Lutheran Book of Worship (LBW) for a couple of things.  I hope the service will be meaningful.  Please give it some time to get acquainted with it.  Hopefully, it will fill your soul.