Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

I hope everyone had as much fun as I did during our Potluck last Saturday.  It was a great time of fellowship. Thank you to everyone who brought something to eat. As always, there was plenty.  Thank you to our griller, Paul Baker.  A special shout out goes to our Evangelism team. It is another way that, not only do we reach out to our community, but we also care deeply about our congregation.  We are always looking for members.  Please consider joining us.  If you have any questions, just ask Kay Raineri, Kathy Mueller or Linda Parson. 

Hats off to those who usually attend Sunday service, but came Saturday for worship and to eat.  Someone made a comment to me that there may be only 2 people in service on Sunday.  Wouldn’t that be great! I thank all those who switched things up and joined us.  In July, it will be Saturday’s group to join us on Sunday for  brunch.  If I am not mistaken, the date is Sunday, July 28th.  More information will follow.

One of the things about last Saturday. It felt like we had one church.  That was really cool.  I know for some one day is more convenient than another.  Maybe you have to work on Sunday, so Saturday is your only option.  Or maybe Sunday is a day that feels better to worship.  But please, always remember we are St. John’s Lutheran Church.  We are not Saturday people or Sunday people. We are one people in Christ.  Don’t ever forget this. 

The parsonage work is all done.  You should see it.  I really mean this. You should really see it.  What a great job the flooring people, the carpet people and the electricians did.  It feels like a brand-new house.  Thank you to Alice Mueller and her husband Scott, as well as Don Anderson.  They organized everything.  Well done!

Our Pistol-Shrimp players are here.  This year, we have three players – two relief pitchers and a middle infielder. Their names are Colton, Danny and Chris. We intended to only have two, but there was a great need to house players.  It is another way that St. Johns reaches out to the community.  I’m sure Patty and I will go to a number of home games.  Come join us and cheer on the team.  Last year, our church fed the team. I hope we will do the same this year.  They really appreciated it.

Parents, not sure if you notice the stand next to the items where you pick up materials before church.  Donna Ristau (our new Sunday School Coordinator) made bags for your children to pick up on their way into church.  The bags have all sorts of items to keep them engaged.  Check it out. Take one as you enter and put it back when you are done.  Thank you Donna!

Jan Delvallee is collecting items for Lutheran World Relief.  The display is in the back of the Narthex.  Please check it out. She will be collecting items for the month of June.  She can also take money and do the shopping for you.  Items in need are:  1-light weight towel (no larger than 52” by 27” – dark color preferred) ; 2-3 bath size soap (8 oz o r9 oz); 1-adult size toothbrush; 1-sturdy comb; and 1 metal nail clipper.

So, what have we done so far in June? We have had fellowship within St. Johns, we have reached out to our community by hosting Pistol Shrimp players, and now through Jan, we are reaching out to the world.  It is only June 3rd.  I love this church. Again, well done.

I wanted to send this picture that Sue Flaherty took on our way out of church on Saturday. So many churches say “All or welcome.”  However, in many cases, this is not true.  When I visit other churches, my first question I ask myself is, “Can I serve here?”  In some cases, because of my disability, I can’t.  The great people who designed and built this church did such an outstanding job to make it accessible for everyone.  Our Buildings and Grounds committee keep looking for ways that they can carry on this tradition.  They were the ones who had the automatic doors put in.  They also made the bathrooms down in the Sunday School wing more accessible. Ramp Builders built a ramp for me to enter the parsonage.  Right now, it is the only door I can enter.  Also, doorways were widened in the parsonage.  I want you to always remember  this really means, “All are welcome.”

However, I’m not sure what to do for church services.  We do have areas in the church where people can wheel their chairs into that space.  The problem with this is when everyone stands up, you see a lot of butts.  The easy solution is to move up front. Okay, remember they are Lutherans.  Sit up front, you got to be kidding.  Not sure what to do about this.  Sure would appreciate any ideas.

Don’t forget who you are and whose you are. You are, yes, you are a child of God.  Alleluia !

Pastor Tom


[email protected]

Readings for the June 9th & 10th – 3rd Week After Pentecost

Genesis 3:8-15            Psalm 130                   2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1            Mark 3:20-35