Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

 Most of you know that we are housing three Pistol Shrimp players this year.  They were watching TV together, and of course it was a college baseball game.  I sat down and started watching it with them.  Okay, here comes the strange part.  I was sitting in a room, watching TV with three other males. I did not know what to do.  I can’t remember watching TV with this many males (probably in my college days). In my family I was surrounded by females. My wife, two daughters, and even two female dogs.  I was definitely outnumbered.  But now, I am watching TV with a bunch of young men.  To be honest, I didn’t know how to act.  I had to laugh at myself.

 This council is on fire.  They are not slowing down.  I hope you checked out the new website.  The address is  Please check it out.  Next, our sign on Peoria & 38th St. was taken down because it was looking well used.  It is back up with  a new fresh look.  Thank you to all who were involved in both projects. If I am not mistaken, Sarah Kutter was our in-house artist.  I thank Alice, who is our driver. She is a little bit like Don Anderson.  They keep a list and keep checking things off. What’s next?

 I am not sure if it is next but the backyard of the parsonage is all torn up by the removal of the two trees last year.  There are so many holes (dents) that were made when the heavy limbs fell to the ground.  The church is having a wor day to spread dirt in the backyard.  The workday is on July 13 at 9:00 am.  We will also be spreading mulch where it is needed which is pretty much in all the beds.   It would be great if you can help.  We will put you to work.

 Sunday, June 16th,  we will recognize the new members of our church.  Please circle that date and plan on attending.  Our new members are Dena Foster, Paula Spielman and Ryan, Abby, Zoey & Ava Schenck.  It wasn’t too long ago that we baptized Zoey and Ava.  And of course, we will welcome them with cake after worship service. 

 Something very strange happened last week.  I was in the parking lot and Alissa Kays came up to me and asked if I texted her with a request for a gift card.  She also asked if I changed my number.  I did neither. I walked into the office and there was Eloide answering the phone calls that were coming in about the same request.  I am not sure how it happened.  I want to laugh at it but it is pretty serious stuff.  A person, with a different number, posed as me, requesting a gift card from some church members for a sick person in the hospital.  I don’t think they got into my contacts because only church members were affected, and it was only a handful of them.

 I will never text/email/or call you asking for something like this.  Please, if this happens again, let me know.  The police were notified and a report was made.  The part that did make me laugh was some of the responses from the church members to this text.  One was simple and specific – You are scum.  Another was more church- like. At the bottom of the text, this member said, “May God forgive you.”  Yes, Jesus died on the cross for this person also. 

 Because of all of this, I am going to pull back a little.  I hope all of you have my phone number and email.  You should.  It is always on the bottom of the letter.  I am going to take it off next week and put the church’s information.  Please, do not hesitate to call me or email me directly if you need me.  I will still use my email address for correspondence between us.

 Don’t ever forget who you are and whose you are. You are, yes, you are a child of God.  Alleluia!

 Pastor Tom


[email protected]

 Readings for the June 15th & 16th  – 4th Week After Pentecost

Ezekiel 17:22-24         Psalm 92:1-4, 12-15                2 Corinthians 5:6-10[11-13]14-17      Mark 4:26-34