Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

I had a very nice vacation.  Myself and my family went to the state of Washington.  We started out by flying into Seattle, then went to Bellingham, and finally to Spokane.  Patty & I were able to spend some time with one family, and then all the families came together, and then some time with the other family.  If you ask my family what was their funniest time, I think most people would say the impromptu baseball game we played in a clearing among a forest of trees.  There was a great deal of laughter and goofiness. 

Both Patty & I once we got home, felt like we were jumping right back in the fire.  Patty had her last championship meet for the summer (they swam very well). When I got back, the very next day, we fed all the Pistol Shrimp players, coaches and interns.  Thank you to the Evangelism team and all the others who did most/all of the work.  Then on Sunday, the Evangelism team came back and put on the brunch after the Sunday service.  It saw a lot of fellowship going on.  I was happy I got caught up with the Ricci family. 

Definitely a shout of thanks goes to Paul Baker who stood in for me when I was gone.  Thank you Paul!

Starting next week our round-robin of Pastors is going to begin.  Next week you will have Rev. Dr. Jon Pedersen.  Then the following week you will have Rev. Sue Hoff.  The good Reverend Doctor is special to both Sue and I.  Jon planted the seeds in me to pursue ministry.  For Sue, Jon was her mentor for three-years.  Reverend Jon is a very special  person.  And I know you will like Reverend Sue.  I have had many talks with her and she is a special Pastor also.  I hope you will take the time these next two weeks to listen to their message.

One of the things you should know is the readings will not match up with the readings that are assigned.  Along with our sermon, we are also taking the Prayer of the Day and the readings with us.  I put Pastor Jon’s readings underneath.  They do not match up with the scheduled week of readings. 

Then on August 18th, our very own David Msseemmaa and his family will be visiting us.  You all are responsible for David and his ministry.  Him and his wife, Kellen, are doing great work in Tanzania.

I want to reinforce the point that I will be back at church Monday – Thursday.  I will be rotating first at Pastor’s Sue’s church in Moline, then to Pastor’s Jon’ church in Lockport.  Please pray for all of us for a Spirit inspired message and safe travels.

From what I understand, we had a successful Vacation Bible School.  Thank you Donna and all the volunteers who made it a success.

If I have this correctly, the roof where the steeple is located and the lighting will be worked on this week.  I have no idea when that roof was last fixed but it is leaking.  I have walked outside late at night and had the lights actually go out on me.  That shouldn’t happen. Your Buildings & Grounds committee is doing a great job of fixing what needs to be fixed.  Thank you B&G.

Things to remember:

“God’s grace is sufficient…” (2 Cor. 12:9).  Always is and always will be.

Scatter seed!

Be like Andrew and bring people to Jesus,

Don’t ever forget who you are and whose you are. You are, yes, you are a child of God.  Alleluia !

Pastor Tom


[email protected]

Readings for Rev, Dr. Jon Petersen

Proverbs 9:1-6             Psalm 34:1-8               Ephesians 4:25 – 5:2               John 6:51-58