Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, 

Thank you Paul Baker for leading the worship service last weekend.  You are truly a gift to this pastor.  I am wondering if there is someone else like Paul who would want to preach?  It is where I started to hear my call.  That doesn’t mean you will become a pastor, but you might.  But maybe you will become a Synodical Authorized Minister like Lori, Jeff and David.  But maybe not.  Maybe you have a God-given gift to teach and preach.  I wonder how many are not listening to God’s call?  I heard someone say that we don’t like praying to God because we may not like what God says to us.  I hope that is not true for the people of St. Johns.  I think for the vast majority of this congregation, God has you right where God wants.  We can glorify God in our every profession.  The great preacher and social activist Martin Luther King Jr. said something like this:  No matter what your occupation is, we can give glory and praise to God.  If you are a street sweeper, then sweep giving God the glory and praise. Wherever you are at, give God glory and praise. 

Next Sunday, January 26th, we will have our Annual Meeting.  It will start after worship.  We need you to be there.  We will not be able to do any business if we do not get a quorum of 25 people.  You all should have received the annual reports from church leaders and committee members.  Make sure you read them before you come to the meeting.  It will be a place where you can ask questions. 

We will also go over the budget and seek your approval for the 2025 year.  We will also approve members for our Church Council.  We are still one short.  Maybe God is calling you to do this.  At the Council meetings, we go about discussing the business of the church.  Sometimes, after discussion, we will vote to approve it or not.  If you want to contribute to the workings of the church, this is where you want to be.  All you need to be is an official member of the church. 

Dave Kromphardt is not leaving the church.  He is also not leaving the church council.  Our Constitution states that you cannot be council president for over two years in the three commitment. He is stepping down from being president, BUT he is still a very active part of the Church Council.  I think we should all thank him for his years of being president of the Council.  So much has been done in this time span.  Personally, I want to thank him for all that he has done including pushing this church out of COVID. Don Anderson will become our new President.  I ask your prayers for all of the council members. 

Wow, it is cold.  I must admit, I am not a big fan.  Let’s take care of each other.  Maybe give some people a call that you know and see how they are doing. 

I was in St. Louis last weekend visiting my daughter and her family.  Got to see Charlee play soccer.  The game lasted for 40 minutes.  This is probably enough for 8-year-olds.  She spent some time talking to the opposing players.  Got to love her.  Then we were able to see her sing in a rock band performance.  No cute Taylor Swift songs for her.  This was rock and roll.  All I can tell you was it was very loud.  Charlee was the vocalist, sporting a leather jacket, a fake nose ring, hair tied up in a mohawk and wearing a dress that you would see in the movie Wicked.  Somehow, she pulled it off.  Got to love her. 

What God mostly does is love you.  (excerpt from Mostly What God Does by Savannah Guthrie) 

Pastor Tom


[email protected]

Readings for 3rd Sunday After Epiphany – January 26th   

Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10                 Psalm 19:1-14             1 Corinthians 12:12-31a            Luke 4:14-21

Reading the Bible in a Year- Monday, January 20th   to Sunday January 26th       

Day                 1 Samuel                     Psalms                        Proverbs                      John

Monday           Ch 5-Ch 7                                                       12:18-27                     Ch 11:45-Ch 12:11

Tuesday          Ch 8-Ch 10:8              65                                                                    Ch 12:12-26

Wednesday     Ch 10:9-Ch 12            66:1-12                                                           Ch 12:27-Ch 13:17

Thursday         Ch 13 – Ch 14:23       66:13-20                                                         Ch 13:18-38

Friday             Ch 14:24-Ch 15                                              12:28-13:9                  Ch 14:1-31

Saturday          Ch 16-Ch 17:37          67                                                                    Ch 15 – Ch 16:4

Sunday            Ch 17:38-Ch 18          68                                                                    Ch 16:5 – Ch 17:5 

1 Samuel – So many things happened in this group of readings.  Remember that Samuel is a judge, probably one of the greatest judges Israel ever had.  First we get the debacle of the Ark of the Covenant. During this time, Israel demands a king.  They wanted to be like the other nations around them. God selects Saul who turns out to be a successful warrior.  But when success happens, Saul has trouble dealing with it. God sends him out to do something and he disobeys God’s order.  Then he lies to Samuel.  So, God rejects Saul and chooses David.  We get the Goliath story here this week.  Saul is still the acting king.  He will see David as the enemy and all kinds of problems occur. 

Psalms – One thing that stands out in this grouping of Psalms is how even creation can’t hold back praising God. “Make a joyful noise to God, all the earth;”  And all the earth does. 

Proverbs – Last week we were given the difference between the wicked and the righteous.  We still get a little of this.  We also receive warnings about the wise and the fools.  We learn to be careful of what comes out of our mouths.  

John – Jesus clearly talks about his relationship with God.  Everything Jesus does comes from his Father.  We too can be part of this relationship.  We need to believe in Jesus “whom he has sent.”  I remember saying it one time in a sermon.  Believing in Jesus, for John, is the key to eternal life.  This section starts with the raising of Lazarus.  This is going to make the religious leaders mad.