Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Reverend Doctor Jon Pedersen is a very special person in my life.  Actually, his wife Sonya is pretty special also.  We are truly blessed to have him in our pulpit last weekend.  He is like a brother to me.  It would be Jon or my mentor, Betsy Kamphius, I would go to, to ask questions or simply just to talk.  Unfortunately, Betsy passed away this fall of ovarian cancer.  That was a gut punch.  Being a pastor can be pretty lonely, where sometimes I can’t even tell my wife things that were told to me in confidence.  It is good to have people you can go to just to talk.  I hope you all have someone in your life like this.  I feel they are a gift that God puts in your path.

Another gift is coming in Pastor Sue Hoff.  I think I mentioned that she spent three years under Pastor Jon.  This is her first year of actually being a pastor.  She is also a second career pastor.  I am so excited that you will have Scripture explained to you with a different lens.  I don’t care how old you are, every person, female or male, if called by the Spirit, can fill in many roles in church.  You might be called to be a pastor in the middle of your life like Pastor Sue and Pastor Tom.  Or you might be called to teach Sunday School, join a church committee or be actively involved in the church service.  I am so proud of the lay assistants that help me out with the worship service.  They are doing such a great job, especially when I throw them a curveball.  Maybe your role can be an encourager.  I hope you thank those who help in so many ways.  All studies show that this is where the church is going – lay led, pastor guided. 

The other thing this church does is training people up to lead their own ministries or congregations.  I know you were involved with Pastor Dale Vlastnik.  In the time I have been here we have sent out Lori and Jeff Whalen and now Dave Kromphardt.  They are what the church calls, SAMS (Synodical Authorized Ministers). They can do everything that a pastor does but they can only do it at the church(es) that they are authorized.  For instance, Dave, Jeff & Lori can perform communion at their respective churches, but they couldn’t do it at St. John’s. 

Another person you were very much involved with is David Msseemmaa.  He is from our church and now is a missionary in Tanzania. David and his family will be visiting us for sure Sunday, August 18th.  He may also be coming on the 17th.  Trying to see how his schedule works out.  His wife Kellen hopes to speak to us after service on Sunday.  Please circle that date on your calendar. 

Most of the time, it is a result of a congregation that cannot support a full or part-time minister.  Ordained pastors fall under the Northern Il Synod guidelines for compensation.  Right now, SAMS are able to negotiate with the congregation of interest.  The Synod is very much involved in this process to make sure there is a fit.

St, John’s has a busy Sunday ahead of them.  Any students who are going back to school are invited to bring their backpacks to be blessed during the children’s sermon.  This includes all students, no matter what the age.  Teachers are also welcome to come up to be blessed also.

After service, we need as many of you to stay and help decorate our sidewalk that leads to Northview.  We have been doing this for a number of years now.  It is our way of welcoming them back for another school year.  Also don’t forget to look at the chalkboard and see if you can help Northview students.  Eloide commented about the number of boy’s underwear needed versus girls.  What can I say?

We had a nice turnout for our Sunday brunch.  Thank you to all those who came.  A special shout out to the Evangelism committee who put this on.  If anyone wants to be part of an active group, you might want to think about joining this one.  They do tremendous work for both our congregation and the community.

I was at Salem Lutheran church in Moline last weekend.  I will be at Shephard on the Hill in Lockport this coming weekend.  Just a reminder, I plan on being in the office this week.  I also plan on doing some visiting and I know I have to take care of some appointments.  If you want to speak to me, make sure you call the church or let me know.

I hope you are enjoying the summer.  I can’t believe school is starting soon.  I remember those days.  I have to say, I am glad I am not part of that anymore.  Spouses of teachers, give them a foot rub that night.  I remember my feet killing me for the first couple of days.  Will be praying for a good start of the year. 

Things to remember:

“God’s grace is sufficient…” (2 Cor. 12:9).  Always is and always will be.

Scatter seed!

Be like Andrew and bring people to Jesus,

Don’t ever forget who you are and whose you are. You are, yes, you are a child of God.  Alleluia !

Pastor Tom


[email protected]

 Readings for Rev Sue Hoff

1 Kings 19:4-8            Psalm 34:1-8               Ephesians 4:25-5:2                  John 6:35, 41-51