Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

I hope you enjoyed Pastor Sue from Salem Lutheran Church in Moline, IL.  I said a lot about her in last week’s letter.  I was excited about you hearing a sermon from a different lens.  I love Paul Baker and Dave Kromphardt and how they are learning to preach.  The downside to them preaching is they use the same lens that I do, being a white male.  That is why I was excited to have Pastor Sue come last weekend.  She brings that woman’s perspective that Paul, David and I cannot bring.  I also like the modeling that she presents.  I want Caroline, Livy and Laney when they see her go, “I can do that.”  It is probably one of the things I miss the most about not having Lori Whalen preaching for us. 

I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Shepherd of the Hill in Lockport, IL.  That was the church I was at before I came to St. John’s.  Pastor Jon was my pastor.  Just like when he was here, I had the opportunity to worship with him and his congregation on Saturday.  I was able to re-establish some old friendships.  On Sunday I was able to talk with two old teacher friends and their wives.  All of a sudden, it was an hour after service and I really had to get home.  Isn’t that how it goes with old friends?  The time just flies by.

Sorry about the mix up in dates.  Next week Daudi Msseemmaaa will be preaching at both services.  Kellen, his wife, will be speaking after the Sunday service.  If you can stick around, can you help us decorate the sidewalk heading to Northview.  For some reason, I wanted to start the school year off a week earlier.  Sorry about that.  Peru Elementary S.D. starts Wednesday, August 21.  We can use people of all ages to help us out.

I want to call your attention to something that happened about a week and half ago.  Windsor Park Lutheran Church (ELCA) was broken into.  They are a church that is on the southside of Chicago.  Many things were destroyed or taken, but what really hit home was they took everything from their Food Bank.  This Food Bank was responsible for feeding thousands of people/families a year.  They are now seeking donations to cover the replacement of many items plus the food that was lost.  I think any donation would be helpful.  The address is Windsor Park Lutheran Church, 2619 E. 76th St., Chicago, IL. 60649.  Anyone who knows this part of Chicago would tell you that there is a great deal of poverty in this area. If you can, please consider donating to this church. 

As you can see from the produce gathered last weekend, our garden is in full bloom.  You can always go back there and pick things you want or need.  Please do not rely on us to pick for you.  Everyone, including neighbors and friends are welcome to gather the bounty. 

Haven’t had the chance to look at the chalkboard yet, but when I left on Thursday, there were only three items left.  You constantly amaze me because this church is a board wrecker.  I love it.  Thank you to all who picked an item or two.  This church is awesome in their generosity to others.

That is about all I have for this week.  I plan on doing a lot of visiting this week, so if you need me, let me or Eloide know. 

Things to remember:

“God’s grace is sufficient…” (2 Cor. 12:9).  Always is and always will be.

Scatter seed!

Be like Andrew and bring people to Jesus,

Don’t ever forget who you are and whose you are. You are, yes, you are a child of God.  Alleluia !

Pastor Tom


[email protected]


Readings for David Msseemmaa

Exodus 16:2-4, 9-15               Psalm 78:23-29                       Ephesians 4:1-16                     John 6:24-34