Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Thank you to all of you who took part in the celebration of Eloide’s 30-years of service at St. John’s.  Thank you to all who wrote cards, took a day in the month of April, and/or joined us on Sunday for cake.  I know she was touched by all the love she received from the congregation.  I had fun observing all the gifts that came her way, some of them very creative.  Again, thank you.

There are so many people supporting this church.  No, I am not talking about money, but I will later.  I am talking about supporting the actual nuts and bolts of the church.  There are a few people who are really taking the lead in getting some things done.  Thank you.

First of all, Alice Mueller.  The parsonage had a water leak that came from the ice maker.  It destroyed some of the basement ceiling tiles and the rug.  In addition, new flooring is being put in the living room, kitchen, office, and hallway.  With Buildings and Grounds behind her, as well as the Church Council, she has been the main person, getting samples, having companies measuring, etc.  It is probably the Redigs that are slowing her down, because she wants us to pick out samples.  I’m pretty sure the work will start and be done in the month of May.  Thank you Alice and all those who are supporting her in this work.

Next is Sarah Kutter.  If you ever have gone to our website, it is a little outdated and needs refreshing.  The Church Council has hired a company to help us revamp the site.  Sarah is taking the lead on this project.  She has spent hours, talking to this company, talking to Eloide and I, and doing the work to get this project up and going.  Our initial hope was by the end of the summer to get it up and running, but because of Sarah’s work it looks like it will be much sooner.  Thank you Sarah.

I can’t thank the Church Council enough.  Your Council is getting things done.  Yes, Alice and Sarah are doing great work, but they have many people behind them, supporting them and helping them.  I am very proud of how this church is working.  There are so many people behind the scenes.  Thank you too all.

Last Saturday, the Garden Committee met to plan out this year’s planting.  Again, another group who works behind the scenes so many can enjoy the bounty of the garden.  You can always be part of this group. No expertise is necessary.  Besides planting, one of the things they do is water.  Every one usually takes a week.  Do you want to help?  Can you water for a week (you can always pray for rain)?  Let Linda Walter know.  She will love to have you.

What a surprise! A fellow Pastor that I went to Wartburg with came and worshipped with us on Sunday.  It was very much a surprise.  I consider the Rev. Dr. Jon Pedersen as my Pastor from Shepherd on the Hill, in Lockport, IL.  But, in a heart-beat, I wouldn’t hesitate to have Rev. Maria Bonnes as my Pastor.  She is that special.  She is a Pastor downstate.  It was a great pleasure to have her and her husband worshipping with us.

For some reason, we are behind in our giving from last year.  It is not a little, but a significant amount.  I can’t really think of anyone who has left our church in the last year (For sure we have had people leave, but I don’t think anyone from the last year).  We have had a number of people who have joined the cloud of witnesses. Can each of you take a look at your giving for the year?  I hope you are proud of all the things we are doing at St. John’s.  It can only happen because of all of you.

The Holy Spirit continues to do new things!

Pastor Tom
[email protected]

Readings for the May 4th & 5th. 6th Weekend of Easter  

Acts 10:44-48              Psalm 98                     1 John 5:1-6                John 15:9-17 

Ascension of our Lord. May 9

Acts 1:1-11                  Psalm 93 or 47            Ephesians 1:15-23                   Luke 24:44-53 

Worship News 

Sometimes you see the word “of” and other times you will see the word “after” when we are in a liturgical season.  For instances, if you look at our readings for next week, you will see the phrase “Weekend of Easter.”  Soon we will be counting the weeks after Pentecost.  The difference of these two words are significant.

Currently, we are in the season of Easter.  That is what the word “of” means.  It is a particular time period that we remain in, or a season.  Christmas is a season, one of the shortest ones.  Therefore, we use the word “of.”  The following week after Christmas is called the 2nd week of Christmas.  Lent is this way, along with Advent.

The word “after” means we are done with that particular celebration and are moving on.  Pentecost is coming soon (May 19).  Pentecost is not a season. It is an event.  Therefore, the 2nd week after Pentecost is the 2nd week after Pentecost. Other examples are Reformation Weekend, All Saints Weekend and Holy Trinity Weekend. We don’t use the word after with them, but they are events in our liturgical year and not seasons.