Join Our Worship Team

Become a Vital Part of Our Services

Explore the rewarding roles of ushers, assistant to pastor, readers, and greeters, and see how you can contribute to our worship experience.

Explore Our Worship Assistant Roles

Ushers play a pivotal role in church services, ensuring a welcoming environment and guiding congregants to their seats, thus fostering a sense of community and order during worship.

The Assistant to Pastor provides crucial support, helping with the organization of services and aiding in various clerical duties to ensure that each service runs smoothly and effectively.

Readers enrich our services by delivering scripture readings and liturgical texts with clarity and reverence, enhancing the congregational experience. Greeters serve as the warm welcoming face of the church, making both members and visitors feel at home from the moment they step through our doors.

Join Our Community of Volunteers

Take an active role in our worship services by volunteering as an usher, assistant to the pastor, reader, or greeter. For more details or to sign up, please reach out to our church office or speak directly with the Pastor. Your participation is invaluable to us!

Get in Touch for Volunteer Opportunities