August 19, 2024

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, What a blessing it was to have our very own David Msseemmaa come talk with us this weekend.  I really do mean our very own.  Some of you remember David running around St. John’s as a young boy.  For those of you who missed this...

August 12, 2024

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, I hope you enjoyed Pastor Sue from Salem Lutheran Church in Moline, IL.  I said a lot about her in last week’s letter.  I was excited about you hearing a sermon from a different lens.  I love Paul Baker and Dave Kromphardt and how...

August 5, 2024

  Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, Reverend Doctor Jon Pedersen is a very special person in my life.  Actually, his wife Sonya is pretty special also.  We are truly blessed to have him in our pulpit last weekend.  He is like a brother to me.  It would be Jon...

July 29, 2024

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, I had a very nice vacation.  Myself and my family went to the state of Washington.  We started out by flying into Seattle, then went to Bellingham, and finally to Spokane.  Patty & I were able to spend some time with one...

July 22, 2024

Congregation Letter July 2024 This month has been set as a month for no meetings if possible. It is fitting that the Gospel for yesterday was about taking a break from the important things to become refreshed. But like the Gospel, there is plenty going on, for us...