Highest Priority! Today is the last day to order sausage as part of the Youth Fundraiser. It comes in a 5 pound bag for just $20. It’s delicious and comes from a Scarpaci family recipe. Please call the church office at 815-223-1144 to get your order in!

Second Priority! Volunteer to help on Friday night or Saturday morning, or both, to make the sausage. Friday night is for trimming the pork shoulder, Saturday morning is the rest of the fun. Lori Scarpaci shared that the original work crew was 75% youth. Parents and grandparents, volunteer and bring your junior high and high school kids with you. The proceeds benefit them for future Service Project trips and National Youth Assemblies. Many parents were part of those trips in the past, help your kids enjoy them too!

The remainder of this is devoted to the Tuesday Council Meeting and yesterday’s Annual Meeting. In both cases, much time was devoted to 2024 Financial Reports and the 2025 Budget. Our congregation has had a steady decline in offerings over at least the last four years. This has made budgeting for needed property repairs and safety upgrades a challenge, and general Current Fund needs have been in a deficit. In addition, this decline has resulted in needing to draw down cash reserves. We are grateful for Grant money which has helped subsidize some of the repairs, but not all of them. Bottom line: as far as we know, all the safety repairs to our facility have been accomplished. Consequently, the Budget was amended at the Annual Meeting so that proposed improvement projects are being set aside for at least the 2025 calendar year as we focus on rebuilding reserves.

During the Stewardship Committee report on Tuesday, discussion was held about the number of pledges received versus the number of “giving units.” These help in administratively planning for the future, but it also helps individuals in their planned giving without a mandatory commitment. Committee Head Sarah Kutter reminded the Council that these contributions stay insight the control of our congregation. She also suggested that we do a Stewardship reminder partway through the year and perhaps start the thought process for the next year earlier in 2025.

The Northern Illinois Synod provided a video that shared the accomplishments of 2024. It was shown during the Annual Meeting. The Bishop has asked that it not be distributed until after February 1 so that all congregations can show it at their Annual Meetings first.  We will send everyone who receives the Monday and Friday emails a copy of it after that date.

We look forward to adding Charlotte Sneed-McCall to the Church Council for the next three years! She and Don Anderson, who chose to return to Council as his term ended, were elected to Church Council. Jacob Adams was elected Treasurer after serving the last three years as well. We are very thankful to Alissa Kays and Alice Mueller for their service on the Council. We look forward to having both continue to serve in various ministries at St. John’s.

This leaves one vacant position on the Council. Because this position was not filled at the Annual Meeting, it is up to the Council to appoint someone to this role. This is definitely a different role from other ministries of our church, but I speak from experience that this has been a joyous ministry, filled with people focused on helping our congregation and its members prosper as Christians. Please give this prayerful consideration and let one of the Council members know if you are interested in joining the Church Council.

One last note about our meetings. A memorial has been given in memory of Steve Phelps by Debbie Phelps. Discussions are being held about making the north entrance to the church more informational about St. John’s, using this memorial money to accomplish it. This entrance is used by all the outside groups that utilize our building, and it could be a good Outreach aid for our church. Please share with Council members your thoughts!

Finally, thank you for the opportunity to serve as your Council President the last two years. It is wonderful to be back in the community where we raised our kids. There are closer Lutheran churches to where we live, but this has always been our Illinois Valley home congregation. The friendships, relationships, support, and encouragement have been wonderful. You are all a blessing to Barb and me!

Dave Kromphardt

Church Council President



Readings for 4 Sunday after Epiphany – February 2

Jeremiah 1:4-10            Psalm 71                      1 Corinthians 13:1-13               Luke 4:21-30


Reading the Bible in a Year- Monday, January 27  to Sunday, February 2 

Day                  1 Samuel                      Psalms                         Proverbs                      John

Monday           Ch 19-Ch 20                68:7-14                                                            Ch 17:6-26

Tuesday           Ch 21-Ch 23                                                    13:10-19                      Ch 18:1-24

Wednesday       Ch 24-Ch 25               68:15-20                                                          Ch 18:25-40

Thursday          Ch 26 – Ch 28              68:21-27                                                          Ch 19:1-27

Friday              Ch 29-Ch 31                68:38-45                                                          Ch 19:28-Ch 20:9

                        2 Samuel

Saturday          Ch 1Ch 2:7                   68:38-25                      13:20-14:4                   Ch 20:10-31

Sunday Ch 2:8-Ch 3:21 69:1-12                        1                      Ch 21:1-25